Grace in the Grind buy yourself flowers

This past Sunday afternoon included my usual ritual of grocery shopping at the Kroger closest to my house. Every time you enter this particular store, you walk around the floral section directly on the left. I have mindlessly passed this area countless times, without ever contemplating buying flowers. They die in a few days, doesn’t seem practical.

But for some reason, on this chilly Sunday afternoon, the bright white hydrangeas and vibrant orange something that looks like a tulip magnetically pulled my buggy (and myself) toward their joyful and comforting presence. Maybe it’s the winter dreariness that caused these blooms to stick out today versus other days. Maybe it’s the love lurking in the air preparing for Valentine’s day coming soon. For whatever reason, these flowers captured my attention. Like I was stuck there, with the scent of floral essence (and fried chicken…gotta love the prepared foods section), and a longing for warm spring days and light pink peonies forcing me to purchase a bouquet. All in hopes that this warming color pop will provide a stark contrast to the winter bleakness that haunts my soul (dramatic, but necessary).

So I bought it. A whole $20. Will they die in 3 to 5 days? Yes. Is it a waste of my heard earned cash? Probably. But was it worth it for a few days of cheerful colors and yummy smells? Absolutely.

Conclusion: you should buy yourself flowers.

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